Jami Hepworth Coaching

Available Products

Christ-based Parts Integration Course and Community

The goal and intention of this course is to introduce you to a new way of doing your own psychotherapy, emotional/thought regulation, and intuitive healing work--in the context of your relationship with Christ. The objective is to share tools that help you show up more of the time, BEING loving and wise and in tune with God. This program is taught from the Christian perspective, and utilizes scriptural support from The Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price.

Composting Dandelions Presentation

In a 1.5 hour class, learn Jami's powerful 5-part method for shifting subconscious triggers at the root so you can vulnerably communicate your desires with respect for others. The best part about it? You'll strengthen inner trust, healthy relationships, and your connection with Christ at the same time. ❤ Also included is the Composting Dandelions e-book that gives extra support for this class.

Inject This!

In this course, I share my favorite vaccine research and tips for engaging as harmoniously as possible with others on this delicate subject. It includes two lectures and a document with my sources.

  • "Holes in the Pro-Vax Argument" is a 1hr.40min. lecture on what I consider to be the most relevant general information about vaccination.
  • "Inject This!" is a 1hr. lecture on being a more effective health freedom advocate.

Emergency Preparedness Webinar and Guidebook of Resources

Do you have a newfound (or oldfound) urgency to get your house in order and prepared on the physical provision front?! Watch this zoom call I recorded in Oct.2020 on the subject of emergency preparedness. Included with this class is a fabulous handout with helpful resources and info. 

Crash Course in Creating through Your Faith!

The more confident you are in God’s provision for you, the less you feel you need to squirrel away. The less trust you have to invest in physical items. If you would like to learn more about that process of creation through your faith, check out this Crash Course in Faith Creation in emergency situations.

Casting Out Unbelief

Even the most devout believers can increase their capacity to identify and root out unbelief and replace it with the grace, merits, and mercy of Jesus Christ. Doing this will not only be healing for them, it will expand their capacity for personal revelation, and for being a conduit of God's miracles. In these last days, it is time for us to awaken to our duty to God and to bring glory to His name by exercising our faith in higher and holier ways. Join Jami Hepworth-- homeschooling mother of 5 and life coach--for a presentation exploring ways we can receive and utilize the Power of God in greater measure than ever before.

Creating Time for What Matters Most

Your relationship with time is one that can be expanded and appreciated every minute, every hour, every day. Release your blocks to enjoying a more organic and free-flowing relationship with the clock.

Join Jami for a live (and recorded) workshop on time. Access to the class includes downloadable PDFs to help you and your loved ones see time in a whole new way.

Getting Clear on Your (Current) Life Mission

When we have both a specific and general sense of direction towards the deepest WHYs behind what we choose to do, everything can be infused with fulfilling meaning. What would you love to contribute to the world? Join me LIVE Monday Jan.16th @ 1pm Pacific for a presentation on YOU and YOUR (current) life mission. 

1-Hour Coaching Call with Jami

Want my personal attention for 1 hour to talk about YOUR dreams, mission, goals, and how to resolve your internal struggles? Sign up for a private session today!

Sign up through this link.

Define and Nurture Your Coaching Business

Are you feeling the call to become a coach or mentor, but also feel tentative about how to get started?

I'd love to save you time and money to teach you everything I would have loved to know right out of the gates as a new coach.

We'll explore how to articulate an offer that excites you--and the people you'd love to serve, and how to increase your capacity and perceptiveness as a coach.

Join my three-part course, and private community with monthly LIVE zoom calls where we discuss all things pertaining to YOUR personal coaching business.

Jami's Good Gift Guide

I have put together a 27-page document of carefully curated gifts for you to consider this year while shopping for your loved ones--especially the children in your life. As a homeschooling mother of 5, choosing gifts that are high quality and will engage my young children's minds and hearts has always been important to me. Now you can quickly see what has been on my shopping list for the last decade. Enjoy!

12th Article of Faith: Sustaining Leaders in Liberty and Law

While at church one day, the Primary children briefly sang the song about the 12th article of faith which states: "We believe in being subject to kings, president, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law." One of the boys in class asked, "So does that mean we believe in doing whatever our leaders tell us to do?" I felt passion well up within me and I knew I needed to make a lecture sharing my thoughts on what the 12th article of faith really means. You can watch that, here. Spoiler alert, the answer is, "NO."

It Is Good: Making Important Things Happen Through Your Faith

When we talk about faith, we tend to discuss it in soft terms that suggest a generalized trust in God to handle things in our behalf, or perhaps to be engaged in lots of physical works to show our commitment to what we believe. I propose some new insights about what it really means to exert our faith. It is a process that starts in the mind, and may or may not involve our needing to produce the outcome with our own two hands. Watch this presentation I gave to my Stake Relief Society sisters for more.

Patterns of Zion in Home Education

If you love the Book of Mormon, and you want to create a unique family culture that builds the Kingdom of God in your home by preaching of Christ, and rejoicing in Christ "after the manner of happiness," this 3-part course (and private community!) is for you. 

How to Give a Powerful Presentation

Each opportunity we have to speak publicly is an opportunity to influence the world for good. Learn my favorite ways to prepare for your next presentation, here! 

Embrace Your Rebirth

Embrace your rebirth—whether you choose to stay or leave, this class empowers women contemplating divorce to cultivate resilience, rediscover joy, and transform their lives from within.

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